Alberto Umana

Alberto is 36 years old from Indianapolis, Indiana, US

"The" Adam

Hans Baldung, known as Hans Baldung Grien/Grün (c. 1484–1545) was a German Renaissance artist in painting and printmaking in woodcut. He was considered the most gifted student of Albrecht Dürer.
Travis Cannata & Billy Staton
Travis -Birthday - August 8, 1989

Book Lover

Is that my Robert Jordan first edition on the floor??

Can we see too much of this man?

Bernardo Velasco Gonçalves

January 30, 1986

Like the beach

I like winter but I also like the warm climes!

Mario Loncarski

Mario Loncarski, born in 1991, in Belgrade, Serbia, is a Serbian model, currently living in Vienna, Austria (as of 2010).

Happy New Year!!!!

Zach and Jordan Stenmark. Identical twins from Sydney, Australia.
Date of Birth: March 16


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