Joining Hearts Party

Joining Hearts was formed over 25 years ago by a group of a dozen friends. Each of them made a one-hundred dollar investment to help underwrite the cost of a party in Atlanta with all proceeds going to help people with HIV/AIDS.

Yul Bürkle

Yul Hansel Bürkle Solorzano (born September 30, 1974 in Caracas, Venezuela) is a Venezuelan actor. Burkle's hobbies include boxing, swimming and watching movies.

Picture taken today by me

I had a lovely scenic stroll, in Port Dalhousie, Ontario, Canada today.  Here is one of the scenic things I saw!! Hey funfotoguy I'm taking after you now. lol

Tarzan art

Which is your favourite Tarzan so far?

I do love Tarzan!

I'm back from holidays.  Did you miss me?


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