Top 5 Gorgeous Geeks!

Geeks, nerds of whatever you want to call them...have some sex appeal! I think its quick wit, lack of ego, and sweet demeanor most geeks possess. It doesn't hurt that the ones below are also awfully cute!!!

5. David Tennant

He played a geek's god for 5 years in Dr. Who. He also sports a sexy Scottish accent just to add to his appeal.

4. Rivers Cuomo

The nerdy frontman of Weezer, has the dark rimmed glasses, and the geek-sheek he can ROCK OUT!!!!

3. Josh Radnor

We're all wondering how he met his wife on tv, but Josh Radnor plays a very smart, although over-thinking, architect...SEXY!!

2. Matthew Morrison

A definite Gleek...How can anyone deny how HOT HOT HOT Matthew Morrison is?!?!

1. Neil Patrick Harris

He can do it all...sing, dance, act, he's funny, can perform magic tricks and makes all of the ladies and fellas swoon! I never thought I'd be putting Doogie Houser MD on the top of a Hotlist...but I can't deny it...He's the sexiest!!!

Next week...Top 5 Hottest Men who have appeared on Sex and the City!!!

Keep your ice buckets close by...

Till next week...

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