Try Out These Simple Facebook Flirting Tips Now

Facebook Flirting is the latest in a long line of digital flirt formats. It's a natural extension of email flirting or text flirting and makes the most of the world's most popular social networking website.

The bonus with flirting on Facebook is that you can see her profile, so you have things to talk to her about and you can also chat with her via instant messaging. You can also check out her photos too and not just the one's posed and added by her, like on other sites, but also those added by her friends, so you get a much more real impression of her.

The first tip to remember when Facebook flirting, is to keep things natural. You don't want to appear that you are stalking her as this is just plain creepy and is a sure way to scare her off. You also want to keep an air of mystery about yourself too, as this will help to keep her interested and wanting to know more about you. Therefore, put enough information on your profile to give her a good idea about what kind of person you are and to talk to you about, but not so much that she feels there is nothing more to find out.

It's also important to remember that you are painting a picture of yourself with your Facebook page. She will be able to see what you are writing on other peoples walls and comments too (depending on your privacy settings of course, but you want to keep these fairly open as otherwise she'll think you have something to hide.). Therefore, keep this nice and polite and well mannered.

Don't get me wrong here though, I'm not saying be boring and in fact it's really important you're not. Make jokes and be clever with your comments, status updates and other posts. You want to show her that you have a sense of humour and are a funny and fun guy to be around. This is really important as women love guys who can make them laugh.

You also want to show her that you are a sociable guy, so take a camera out with you when you go out with friends and post these up on your profile. Women want to be able to see you are outgoing and easy to get on with. A great tip here is to have pictures of you with other females too.

Now, I'm not talking about photos of you kissing or cuddling other women intimately, but simple photos of you with female friends will show her that other women are at ease around you and give her confidence she will feel the same.

This also helps to add a little envy into the mix and she will want to fight for you a little more. Be careful when doing this though, as you don't want to scare her off by thinking you're a player. A tip here is that the women is these pictures should be of a similar type as the girl you re trying to attract as this will make it easier for her to imagine herself in their position with you.

These are just a few Facebook flirting tips that you can use to have a greater success with women. For more techniques to help you succeed with all aspects of flirting with women, visit Flirting for Guys by clicking the link below now.

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